1st ADMIRE Workshop
The first ADMIRE workshop took place on May 16-17th, 2013 at Bäckaskog Slott in Skåne. The main purpose of this first workshop was for the ADMIRE members to get to know each other and to get to know a little bit about each others research interests. To make this happen each of the participants gave a brief, 5-10 minutes, presentation about themselves, their microscopy interests and their research. In addition to this, Dr Peter Ekström gave a presentation entitled: Advanced optical microscopy (so what is "advanced") and Prof Anders Mikkelsen gave a presentation entitled: Microscopy across borders.
30 members of ADMIRE participated in this workshop that started at lunchtime on Thursday the 16th and ended in the afternoon on Friday the 17th. In addition to the scientific program some networking activities followed by dinner was organized on Thursday evening.