A cross-scientific graduate school
Advanced Microscopy Research Environment (ADMIRE) is a cross-scientific graduate school focused on microscopy and micro imaging. Microscopy methods have developed with an increasing rate in the last few decades and have become the foundation for much of modern research in physics, chemistry, materials science, biology and science. The number of microscopy techniques has increased almost exponentially; often a new method has been developed based on a precise problem faced by a researcher in a particular field. ADMIRE focuses on microscopy spanning across a number of research fields, since a lot of modern and future science will depend on already existing and newly developed microscopy methods.
Goals of the graduate school
One of the main goals is to stimulate a strong research environment and education at Lund University across three different faculties – the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering. We want to enhance training possibilities as well as capabilities and stimulate multi- and interdisciplinary research enabling the emergence of new research fields. The graduate school also promotes local, national and international interaction concerning microscopy related advances and problems.