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3rd ADMIRE Workshop

The third ADMIRE workshop took place on December 2-3rd, 2014 at Torekov Hotell. The workshop was centered around image processing and analysis and was split up into three parts: vector based graphics, pixel based graphics, and scientific image processing.

Vector based graphics was demonstrated using Adobe Illustrator and several important concepts such as layers, figure drawing, clipping masks, etc, were presented.

Pixel based graphics was shown using two different programs, ImageJ and Gimp. A general introduction to the free software Gimp was given with specific focus on how to work with microsopy images in order to enhance the visibility of specific features. Main concepts included the use of layer masks, selector tools, and more. The free software ImageJ was also presented, showing the versatility of this program within handling of microscopic images as well as movies. Main concepts included the usage of image stacks, plugins, and more.

The scientific image processing, presented by Prof. Michael Schmidt, showed how ImageJ can be used for advanced data analysis. Michael showed a multitude of parameters to consider when analyzing scientific images, going from the need of correct image type (e.g. 8bit/16bit/32bit) to image analysis using Fourier space. Main concepts included flat-field correction, thresholding, sliding paraboloid algorithm, Fourier transform, object counting, and how to use autocorrelation.

Around 30 ADMIRE members participated in this workshop that started in the morning on Tuesday the 2nd and ended in the afternoon on Wednesday the 3rd. In addition to the scientific program networking activities followed by dinner was organized on Tuesday evening.